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Vertical conveyor VSTraditional Lifts, advantage?

     Intensive use of land, so that green has become the basic requirements of logistics and warehousing center construction. More and more logistics centers from the previous "pie" model, gradually to multi-layer, high-rise development. Vertical transportation equipment has become a key device multilayer logistics center. Many companies give up the freight elevator configuration, and the choice of logistics automation equipment, why not? The following diagram can be a good interpretation of this. 

  Automatic vertical conveyor means in multilayer structures, the use of horizontal and vertical handling devices, automatic unmanned cargo transport system vertical and horizontal transport of goods.

  Automatic vertical conveyor concept originated in Japan, and was included in the category of sophisticated equipment in Japan, so no elevator as tedious security checks. Due to different safety standards, in order to distinguish it from a simple hoist and hydraulic scissor lift, it appears the definition of automatic vertical conveyance machine.

  Currently in Japan, automatic vertical conveyor technical standards, safety standards, has been quite perfect, automatic vertical conveyor system with its outstanding flexibility, lower maintenance costs, often be planned as the main system and the use of multi-functional logistics center . In China, the application of automatic vertical conveyor has just started, the market prospect is very broad.

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