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Deputies: "Internet +" to promote information security logistics

        National People's Congress, Southwest Jiaotong University, vice president of transportation and logistics LUO Xia said: Xi Jinping, general secretary of the Central Financial Work Leading Group at its twelfth meeting proposed a "supply-side structural reforms" and "capacity to destocking, go leverage, cost reduction, fill short board "" five task. " Logistics support is the basis for economic development and strategic industry, is the basis of a strand linking the supply side and the demand side. The implementation of supply-side structural reforms will inevitably affect the reform of the logistics industry.

        According to the Ministry released the "2015 National Business burden" evaluation report, China's logistics costs accounted for 30% -40% of production costs in developed countries, the proportion was 10% -15%, high cost of logistics has become a constraint an important factor in the development of enterprises. From all sectors of the logistics, due to asymmetric information storage expense caused between production and demand high, due to the irrational division between transport and integrated transport costs higher overall convergence problems caused by poor, have become the high logistics costs factors no less than. At the same time, the face of lean manufacturing, logistics, electricity supplier logistics, urban joint distribution, cold chain logistics, agricultural product logistics, hazardous chemicals, logistics, special transport, medical logistics, emergency logistics, and so increase demand for personalized logistics services, logistics industry itself can not provide effective supply according to market demand, as constraints related to industrial transformation and upgrading bottleneck. Therefore, the implementation of the objective needs of the logistics industry needs structural reforms in both the supply side reforms related industries, but also the development of the logistics industry itself.

        Logistics supply-side structural reforms required to achieve efficient coupling and precise logistics service supply-side and demand-side docking to achieve real-time monitoring and efficient management of the logistics chain. "Internet +" just such ways and techniques. Combining logistics warehousing costs running high, comprehensive high overall transport costs, lack of personalized logistics supply and other issues, on the "Internet +" to promote environment logistics supply-side structural reforms Luo Representative recommends:

        1, building real dynamic of the whole process of logistics management and information sharing platform. Logistics services including transportation, warehousing, purchasing, handling, packaging, distribution processing, distribution, information processing and other processes. The introduction of "Internet +" intelligence and information technology to build logistics information sharing platform, can be achieved through information sharing "supply" and "demand" precision docking, reduce inventory and storage time, reduce warehousing costs; build the logistics of the whole process real-time monitoring and control can be achieved logistics resources connected with the restructuring, optimization of logistics resources, optimize the transport division and cohesion, reduce overall transportation costs; at the same time, the whole network procurement, scheduling, monitoring services, logistics information sharing, allocation of resources, pay the financial, logistics and equipment, the development of innovative drive systems provide. And thus to improve transport efficiency, to remove excess capacity, the purpose of reducing logistics costs.

        2, the depth of innovative logistics service mode, to achieve logistics and industrial combination. According to the China Federation of Logistics and Purchasing data, China's current industrial and logistics costs distribution companies external payments have accounted for 65% of the total social logistics costs, indicating that third-party logistics and outsourcing logistics business trends better. However, the cost paid by enterprises still mainly used for transport and storage, high-end logistics services for less, indicating the degree of integration of the supply chain is still at a low level. Therefore, to encourage qualified third-party logistics service providers to transform the supply chain, make full use of logistics information platform, with good "Internet +" big data and cloud computing technology to capture industrial demand for logistics services, increase the effective supply capacity to meet manufacturing Lean logistics electricity supplier logistics, urban joint distribution, cold chain logistics, agricultural product logistics, hazardous chemicals, logistics, special transport, medical logistics, emergency logistics, and other personalized logistics needs. At the same time, innovation and develop a new model of logistics services, supply chain, to carry out the design, procurement and supply, plant logistics, supply chain, finance and other high-end logistics services, logistics and industry to promote the depth of the combination.

        3, attention to logistics information security work. "Internet +", while efficient resource integration and interoperability, but also increases the risk of information leakage. Disclosure of information will bring credibility imbalances and a waste of resources logistics service supply side, for this it is necessary to pay attention to logistics information security protection work. Reduce logistics information security risks, on the one hand government departments need to speed up the construction of the legal network, on the other hand requires logistics companies to improve their awareness of network and information security management, increase network security technology and management inputs. For example, the logistics enterprises, logistics information including its own information and information about the owner of two parts. Logistics companies on the one hand the need to assess the importance of their own data confidentiality and classification, and the corresponding protective treatment; on the other hand also involving the privacy of customer information necessary encrypted. In the "Internet +" environment, logistics companies and the strength of the network security business logistics cooperation is an effective way to protect information security.

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