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where can the electricity supplier warehouse management model go?

With the rapid development of the electricity supplier industry, the demand for electricity providers supporting the plant involved, warehouses and warehouse management personnel increasing electricity supplier foreground of marketing, customer service, to do better, but also keep pace with the rear end of the warehouse before Row.

       Many electricity supplier team focus on the front end, such as operations, customer service, art. As everyone knows, the electricity supplier back-end process is the top priority. The extent of the rear end of cooperating directly determines the pace of development of the entire team. Electricity supplier warehouse management different from the traditional enterprise storage.

       In some ways, difficult to manage electricity supplier warehouse to warehouse more than traditional enterprise management. On warehouse management, the processes, rules and regulations, job responsibilities, etc. must be developed well in advance. No rules no standards, only when we put all the processes and systems will be good, so that warehouses and other departments in accordance with the systems, processes to operate, you will not go wrong, even if you encounter problems, it will be evidence-based.

       Electricity supplier warehouse management system and job responsibilities compared to conventional warehouses, the little difference. But one thing to note is that large shipments daily electricity supplier warehouse and SKU number, the system depends on the development of different industries and categories. Responsibilities will need to work with daily content linked to, at this point, trying very fine job segregation of duties is a bit difficult. Gang responsibility and institutional needs are slowly improving, according to the actual work on the contents. But must develop the relevant processes and the gang, be sure to perform. Our management and staff in monitoring the implementation of the process, the need to keep thinking, but also on whether the current process and the post is to perfect and improve efficiency. Corporate internal friction is terrible, if the process cumbersome, it will lead to lower overall efficiency, while team members will work with emotions.

       After the processes, systems, Kong is to develop, the need for warehouse manpower needs analysis. General Electric's warehouse set storekeeper, picking staff, delivery staff, full inspector. For small companies, delivery staff itself is picking members, all inspectors to be held by the warehouse keeper. We from the management, we have division of labor, regardless of family, these positions need to meet each other, will improve efficiency. Warehouse is responsible for product out of the library, picking members based on customer orders picking, shipping staff based on customer orders will be packaged with a good product fit express orders. Full inspector based on customer orders to conduct a comprehensive review, review the contents of the order information, product information, packaging specifications and so on.

       Currently, the warehouse will help us implement 6S management can be more standardized and effective supplier of electrical work. Before the product must Jincang warehouse planning, warehouse entrances, stocking area, packing area, go area, finished district, accessories, etc. area, shelves stocked interval have a certain distance, to facilitate loading and unloading operations and transport access . Internal zoning electricity supplier warehouse is very important, pin high rate of product placement in the warehouse entrance, product subregional confusing place, the product of ABC classification rule management. The author in the daily management process, every day to see sales daily report, based on daily reports for data analysis, the best-selling product, niche product type, quantity to be aware of, prevent excess inventories affecting liquidity.

       Above, referred to herein warehouse systems and processes for the warehouse, the inventory numbers accurate or not directly reflect our warehouse management level. To ensure the accuracy of digital warehouse, general warehouse and to establish the total sub-storage warehouse. Procuring products into the overall warehouse, we require shipping products from the total allocation to the sub-storage warehouse. This may be necessary to establish a reader asked two positions? We might reflect, if carried up the goods directly from the total warehouse picking, the warehouse could easily lead to total figures are not allowed, if the establishment of sub-positions, the day issued by financial requisition, to transfer goods from the total sub-storage warehouse, specifically responsible for ensuring the accuracy of the total warehouse figures, due to sub-positions sales Delivery and requisition, as long as the daily sales documents can be checked. Usually there will be the traditional enterprise warehouse inventory twice a year, in the first year, second year, the electricity supplier warehouse inventory, I propose inventory once a month, once a large inventory at the end, weekly pumping plate.

       In fact, a lot of electricity supplier warehouse employees are from the switch from traditional companies, thinking and behavior to meet changing style on rapid development of electronic business on the executive power, efficiency requirements than traditional companies. Millet Lei Jun, founder of Twentysomething mantra "focus, extreme, and word of mouth, fast" to fully reflect this. First performed on the transition from thinking, a lot of electricity supplier warehouse research play, and gradually improve the existing warehouse management, all aspects of the process, work norms. Careful and meticulous work in the warehouse but also for the overall development of the electricity supplier to provide effective protection.

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