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The annual bidding, how to make the consignor reasonably control transportation costs?

For the owner of the business logistics managers, the annual tenders are always nerve-racking, wher to look for new partners? How to judge the new transport company service levels? How to properly reduce logistics costs in the new tender? Are the questions have to consider. The other side, in the face of new business opportunities, how to ensure that the interests of transport companies in the bidding quotation and facilitate cooperation? How can fully demonstrate service capabilities? It is also a problem.

Year after year, with these questions and apprehension, also it seems to logistics bidding successfully sustained progress. One corporate logistics manager said: "I do not know exactly what my shipping is too high or too low in the end I know exactly what the value of just my height?." The carriers are frequently forced to contribute to an Order owner temptation bottom line. To break such information blind spots, oTMS launched cargo online bidding system solutions. In a five-step strategy "Data Analysis - Visualization optimization - online Bidding - real evaluation - to promote efficiency and reduce costs," a new experience.

First, oTMS owner's operational data from the start, carding layout, capacity resources, existing transport network tariff system, find out the price of transportation in the past room for improvement exists in the system to generate multi-dimensional "view of transport" to provide a visual global data analysis reports.

Secondly, oTMS provide powerful online bidding system to help set up the actual owner of the bidding plan, instantly online invite more potential carriers participate in the tender, tender setting time, allowing carriers to offer multiple rounds of bargaining, bidding price eventually locking offer price can generate a valid file directly, in order to achieve a complete closed-loop operation of the follow-up monitoring and reconciliation, freight settlement.

- Let shippers bidding more controllable, more traceability
- The flexibility to choose the carrier bid solicitation
- To satisfy the different lines, stepped quotes, quote extra cost structure of different requirements
- Support carriers offer export and bulk carriers offer adjustment

Meanwhile, oTMS in the bidding process may assist the owner simulate different carriers offer Export "cost perspective" data dashboard, strong support for the owner of the final bidding decision and to be the real cost changes more convenient to quantify operational phase.

oTMS online bidding unified online quote form, avoiding the tender offer carriers into each school model to offer a standardized model brings high contrast efficiency, preferably, the gradual accumulation of KPI data, high-quality carriers to provide competitive ; real waybill can provide specific logistics cost accounting reference for carriers offer, to lay a solid foundation for win-win cooperation.

online bidding is completed, everything is over? On oTMS cloud platform is not the case, marks the completion of the bidding to carry out transport operations of the real system itself strong transport capacity of collaborative management, physical transportation again perform real-time accurate management together. Quality Carriers not only shows in the bidding price and service levels, the accumulation of the daily operation of the performance data, the advantages of a more comprehensive in-depth displayed. oTMS one-stop transportation services capability, will undoubtedly become the best partner for enterprise transport management.

A well-known large companies use this service oTMS effectively optimize the transport network configuration issues after a successful 6% in 2016 to reduce logistics costs. OTMS rapid development of the past two years, connecting a large number of well-known owner of enterprises, but also accumulated a large number of high-quality transport companies, only the continuous optimization challenges businesses to obtain long-term development in this era, so logistics services continue to upgrade, let logistics the whole chain of participants acquire more and better business opportunities, and jointly promote the healthy development of the logistics industry.

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