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2016 construction machinery industry will have changed?

According to industry analysts, the construction machinery industry is experiencing a serious excess capacity, weak market demand, profits have fallen sharply, "depth adjustment period" test. In the long run, construction machinery mainly affected population, two factors driving economic growth, reflected in the indicators, construction machinery long-term potential indicators urbanization rate. China's urbanization rate has just crossed the 55%, from the experience of developed countries, a country's urbanization rate to 75% to 80% just ended large-scale construction process. China's current urbanization rate increase of about 1 percentage point per year, so estimate, China's construction machinery is still facing 20 years to grow. Domestic construction machinery industry influenced by cyclical destocking take some time.

So, domestic and international environment have any effect on mechanical engineering it?

War transformation: Made in China will usher in the golden years

May 28, 2016, in: the "war transformation MadeinChina re-start" thousands of large classes, Wu Xiaobo pointed out that with the Internet tools, new artisan spirit and capital operation, China will achieve the transformation and upgrading of the manufacturing sector, the next five years will be Chinese-made gold for five years.

And in this hall on restructuring large class, you will often hear this kind of story, it seems to confirm the arrival of the golden years: a foreign trade enterprise OEM spent five years time to do a headset, not only It is "Wall Street Journal" and other media as product innovation of the year, also went into the Apple store; a retail industry through innovation in the last year to achieve billions of dollars in sales; a clothing company is building a flexible production line, including Ma, Liu and other custom clothing ......

For the transformation and upgrading of China-made civil efforts to promote more national top design push. May 8, 2015, the State Council issued the "Made in China 2025", which is the Chinese government to implement the Programme of Action of manufacturing the first decade of this strategy. A year later, the State Council has issued "Opinions special action to create a favorable market environment," "to carry out the consumer goods industry," Mishina, proposed to implement the CPC Central Committee and State Council on promoting supply-side structural reforms to promote the steady growth of industrial structural adjustment increasing efficiency and manufacturing power construction decisions and plans, and to create better meet consumer demand, and constantly enhance the fundamental role of consumer-driven economy, the promotion of the consumer goods industry towards high-end.

Industry 4.0 will allow China to improve production efficiency by 25%

In the Chinese government to develop a "Thirteen Five" plan, Industry 4.0 and "Made in China 2025" strategy is a top priority. Two recent Boston Consulting Group report, using the Industry 4.0 The new technology will allow Chinese enterprises to enhance the production efficiency by 25%, thereby creating an additional 6 trillion yuan in added value, and affects millions of employees work.

May 17, BCG partner and managing director of global Turre, worldwide senior partner and managing director Cai Lu Jie, Xu Yang, global managing director and global managing director Cocteau treatment in Beijing accepted an exclusive interview with 21st Century Business Herald.

It is understood that although the full implementation of Industry 4.0 technology requires 20 years, but the next 5 - 10 years, major advances in technology will make the gap between winners and losers is widening. Xu Yang believes that in this process, there is no doubt at the forefront of Germany, other countries depends on the speed of the wishes of the government and the industrial base of countries.

"China is in fact that there is a advantage, because the Chinese government if the determination to do one thing, resources, policies and capital investment will easily be able to attract advanced technology." However, Xu Yang also said that the image should be wary of Industry 4.0 engineering, but to make Chinese manufacturing and industrial chain to achieve systematic upgrade.

BCG report noted that nine digital industrial technology will become a key industry 4.0 success, including automatic robots, increasing material manufacturing, real intensifier tube technology, simulation technology, horizontal and vertical system integration, industrial networking, cloud computing, network security and large data analysis.

Despite the gaps in automated robotic production, but Turre noted that China in the big data analytics and cloud computing has obvious advantages, especially in the service sector, which will also be developed in the industrial field. "China's Internet ecosystem development in the world should be said is a leading, at least compared with other developed countries is not backward."

National policy to support efforts to promote the construction

Ring highway construction project in Yunnan to promote the meeting held on May 19 informed that the Yunnan Urban Economic Circle Expressway Central link existing 14 projects have started construction, and the remaining two projects will be completed by the end of construction approval, Yunnan Ring Expressway construction accelerated.

According to reports, the city in central Yunnan economic circle motorway network total size of about 3784 km, 1820 km have been opened to traffic, under construction 764 km. During the "Thirteen Five", the new highway will be 1200 kilometers. wherin the loop highway 553 kilometers, there are 183 km of high-net has entered the country, 370 kilometers into the country for the rest of the high-net; radiation 337 km, 119 km country has entered the high net contact line; 310 km contact line, has entered the high country network 100 km. Yunnan economic circle city highway network covering Kunming, Qujing, Yuxi, Chuxiong and the whole territory of the northern Red River County, 7 states, 49 counties realized Expressway.

Development and Reform Commission approved in April solid investment projects 138 800 000 000

May 12 National Development and Reform Commission published the macroeconomic situation and respond to hot issues, represents the NDRC in April approved a total fixed asset investment approved 13 projects with a total investment of 138.8 billion yuan. Including three water projects with a total investment of 800 million yuan; transport infrastructure projects 4, with a total investment of 128.8 billion yuan; two energy projects with a total investment of 6.7 billion yuan; high-tech and information technology projects 2, a total investment of 400 million yuan ; two other projects, a total investment of 2.1 billion yuan. It is reported that these projects focused on water conservancy, transportation and energy sectors.

Buy domestic government ministries to advocate and promote the upgrading of the manufacturing sector

May 18, the National Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry issued "manufacturing upgrade major engineering package Notice on the implementation of" a clear implementation of manufacturing upgrading major engineering package, adhere to innovation-driven and coordinated development, coordinate development of upgrading and development of new industries traditional industries, the manufacturing sector towards the end, intelligent, green, service-oriented, and to determine the intelligent transformation, infrastructure capacity building, promotion of green manufacturing 10 key projects.

10 major projects to promote the upgrading of the manufacturing sector

Dean Weber Institute of Economic Research Teng Tai told reporters analysis, such as manufacturing "hard asset" soft values ​​should be increased, which requires our manufacturing transformation and upgrading.

"Notice" that strive through three years of hard work, large-scale manufacturing value added average annual growth of more than 7% average annual growth of investment in technological upgrading of enterprises about 15%. Establish a "government buy local" concept, innovative products through government support domestic first purchase, order and purchase services and other means.

"In the difficult manufacturing period, the government should play a leading role." Bank of Communications chief economist Lian Ping, the "Daily Economic News" reporter, said, "the government buy domestic products" is also an international practice.

However, Vice Minister of Chinese Ministry of Information Center for International Economic Exchanges, a researcher Wang reminded that such a policy must pay attention to grasp the sense of proportion, should not become long-term, mandatory policies to avoid "corporate government arms lying" to happen.

Department of Commerce: the "along the way" related to the rapid growth of the national investment

According to statistics, from January to April, China's foreign non-financial direct investment 391.45 billion yuan, up 71.8%; foreign contracted projects new contract amount of 384.02 billion yuan, an increase of 3.8%; the end of April I am out all kinds of laborers 98.3 million people.

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