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High speed fee should be the profit of the government, enterprises and citizens

"High speed charge" the controversial topic for many years, because of the recently issued by the ministry of transportation of the propulsion of supply side structural reforms to promote logistics industry "amplify authors" several opinions of "a period of time will explore highway differential charge policy", and will cause social attention again. High-speed what should be the most reasonable charge? This time can have a of method?

High speed fee should be the profit of the government, enterprises and citizens

The personage inside course of study thinks, the highway time-phased differentiation charging primarily to shunt, have the effect of ease individual time congestion; about twenty percent of the net friend support highway time-phased differentiation charging policy, thought it would be the scientific use of price leverage, guide the traffic peak on the road, can also be a good driver of economic interests; But nearly sixty percent netizens think this policy is not necessary to argue that the high congestion is mostly traffic accident, and fees. Moreover, even if the period of time to collect fees, freight can also be low in the recent service area, such as time-consuming, and if the truck is concentrated in the low time-consuming period of toll station, will cause more traffic jams. There are some drivers think, most of the highway congestion problem is serious, a dynamic price adjustment charge standard. Motorists are concerned that this fee adjustment will make the current small bus toll free policy therefore fell through the holidays?

The author thinks that, with the development of the society change, for recovery of the highway construction cost and control congestion, high speed charge policy really could not stand still. But should be in line with the principle of fair justice, give attention to both the immediate interests of the government, enterprises and citizens. Especially the following points should be grasped:

Firstly, the highway charges not one size fits all.
A period of time differential charge does to a certain extent, solve the problem of location of traffic, but this is only consider the length of time. Should also be in the national areas and points to consider more factors, such as roads not one size fits all. Moreover, highway congestion reasons vary, for example, some highway design is not reasonable; Some traffic accident treatment in a timely manner; Extreme weather, can cause congestion at a high speed. If "traffic," both for the period of time, only took during peak hours to improve all fees to "fix", have not scientific, the public nature is hard to accept.

Second, the "differentiation" charge can't become the pronoun of "price".
Highway time-phased differentiation charging, is to apply the theory price lever in highway management, namely peak rate is high, slack time rate is low. This suggests that, "differentiation" charge should have rise and fall, not rise not only to recover the construction cost. In the specific charge standard, should give full consideration to the public feeling and amplify "authors", i.e. slack time greatly reduced fee standards. Otherwise, the rise not only make local governments or highway enterprises increased income, while the people during peak travel increased spending, is unfair.

Third, "the authors efficiency" favorable economic growth.
Charging at high speed as the main composition of the logistics cost, it is easy to become overwhelmed "last straw" of the real economy. In 2015, China's logistics costs accounted for the proportion of gross domestic product is as high as 16.6%, higher than the world average of 5%. Appropriate to reduce the toll roads, will brings to the local economy, local image and more positive influence. Should speak the general situation of local government, it is the only road enterprise benefit as heavy, or reduce logistics cost oriented, self-evident.

August 22, this article in the same period in the first edition of the modern logistics report, iron and steel logistics

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