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Analysis of warehousing cost control, warehousing materials cost management, warehousing cost control measures

     Warehouse in the management system is the only static link, it was also known as the zero speed of transport. With the development of economy, the demand way has appeared the individuality, the diversification change, the production method also becomes the multi-variety, the small batch flexible production mode.

       The characteristics of the logistics from small varieties, large quantities into more varieties, less or more batches of small batches; warehousing functions from the preservation of efficiency gradually become more emphasis on the realization of the circulation function. The level of warehousing cost management is of great significance to the whole logistics cost management.

        1. Through storage activities can solve the difference between supply and demand time

       Warehousing is a node in the logistics system, which is a bridge connecting production and consumption. Commodity production and consumption, there is a certain time interval. Some of the goods are seasonal production, annual consumption; some goods are perennial production, seasonal consumption; and some goods are seasonal production, seasonal consumption, or annual production, annual consumption. In any case, the product from the production process into the consumption process, there is a certain time interval.

       In addition, in order to make the product more suitable for the needs of consumers, many goods in the final sales before, to carry out the selecion, sorting, packaging, assembly and so on. In addition, in the process of transport of goods, in vehicles, boats and other means of transport on the convergence, as in time can not be completely consistent, but also produced goods in transit on the station, the terminal warehouse storage requirements. As the production and use or consumption of time is not synchronized, the goods through the storage process, to resolve the contradiction between supply and demand, at the same time in time to create new benefits.

       2. Through the warehousing activities to achieve the transfer of goods from production to consumption

      Warehousing activities can solve the production and consumption in space, time and variety, quantity and other aspects of the contradictions, to play storage activities link production and consumption of the link and bridge role; link between producers and consumers in the production and consumption of goods on the geographical Separation; convergence of goods production and consumption of time inconsistencies; regulate the differences in production and consumption patterns; balance transport load, reduce transportation costs. Such as mass production, FCL transport, in the storage process to split the retail function in order to facilitate.

       3. Through storage activities to meet market demand

       Each plant produces a single product variety, but the number is very large; and in consumption, each consumer needs a wide variety and a smaller number, it requires the circulation process, continue to be combined on the species , Continue to be scattered in the number. After warehousing activities in the variety and quantity of a series of adjustments, to make it all over the country's retail stores to provide consumers with varieties, specifications and color range of goods.

       From the above analysis we can see that warehousing activities is to promote the development of production to meet the market supply an indispensable link. Therefore, in order to ensure the smooth use of the value of goods in time and space, warehousing activities must consume a certain amount of materialized labor and living labor, although these consumption is necessary, but warehousing activities can not create use value. At the same time, May make the value of material use in the number of reduction, lower quality. Therefore, strengthening the cost management of warehousing logistics can reduce the materials in the warehousing process of material consumption and labor consumption, reduce logistics costs, improve the efficiency and efficiency of logistics systems. 

"Warehousing costs"

       Warehousing costs are the monetary manifestations of materialized labor and living labor consumed in the process of enterprise warehousing activities, which are various expenses incurred along with logistics warehousing activities. Part of which is the depreciation, maintenance cost and the natural loss of goods used for warehousing related equipment and facilities; part of the labor cost, power consumption and so on used for warehousing operations; part of the capital cost and risk of the increase of commodity storage Costs; and part of the storage activities are the cost of integrated management.

       Warehousing cost control is the use of a variety of cost accounting-based methods, scheduled storage cost limit, according to the allocation of storage costs and storage costs to actual storage costs and storage cost comparison, to measure the results of storage activities and results, and to Exceptional management principles to correct negative differences, in order to improve efficiency and achieve more than expected storage cost control limits. The importance of warehousing cost control is mainly reflected in the following aspects:

       First, the storage cost control can increase the level of corporate profits, direct services to the ultimate business objectives. Increased profit is one of the objectives of the enterprise, but also the driving force of socio-economic development. No matter what the conditions, the cost reduction will lead to increased profits. In the case of an increase in income, reduce costs can make profits faster growth; in the case of declining income, reduce costs can inhibit the decline in profits.

       Second, the storage cost control is the pressure of SMEs to resist internal and external, and seek survival and development of the guarantee. Enterprises in the production and operation activities, there are workers to improve treatment and shareholder dividend requirements of the pressure, the same industry competition, economic environment reversed and other unfavorable factors.

       Enterprises can adopt various measures to reduce the cost, improve the quality of products and services, introduce talents, strengthen management, increase R & D investment, develop new products and other measures to resist internal and external pressures. Reduce storage costs can improve the price competitiveness of enterprises, so that enterprises in the economic adjustment continue to survive. Higher selling prices will lead to dealers and suppliers corresponding price increases and increase the turnover tax burden, and reduce storage costs can avoid such pressures.

      Third, warehousing cost control is the prerequisite for enterprises to achieve sustainable development. only to control the cost of storage in the same industry advanced level in order to win the development of the initiative, but also the basis of competition for enterprises. Warehousing costs down, can reduce the price to expand sales, sales expanded after a solid operating foundation, and have the power to improve product quality, design and development of new products, to seek new development.

      One of the most important reasons for many enterprises to get into trouble is to take risks in expanding their production and development of new products when the cost of warehousing is out of control. If the market shrinks or makes mistakes, the enterprises will have no resistance and will soon collapse. At the same time, storage costs once out of control, it will cause a lot of money precipitation, seriously affecting the normal production and business activities.

      Warehousing problems, cost control content

      Storage material cost management Material in the storage process in the consumption of cushion material in storage costs accounted for a large proportion. Therefore, the greatest potential to reduce warehousing costs is to save the cost of the liner and the cover material and labor costs, looking for both to save this part of the cost of expenses, but also to ensure material quality management materials management methods, technological innovation and technology Transformation, and fully tap the potential of the equipment. At the same time, the management of warehousing costs should also be sub-mouth, classification management, strengthen economic accounting, to keep warehousing costs continue to decrease.

      Warehouse management of handling costs of loading and unloading goods Departure and out of warehouses rely mainly on loading and unloading operations to complete. Depreciation of the cost of loading and unloading machinery equipment, storage and handling costs are the largest proportion of the cost of loading and unloading. Therefore, the storage department should first pay attention to the choice of machinery and equipment for the economy and practicality. Should avoid the kind of regardless of actual needs, greedy big foreign, unwarranted increase storage equipment depreciation practices.

      Warehousing labor costs management Warehouse labor costs are two main aspects: First, warehouse management salaries, bonuses, benefits, allowances, etc .; Second, storage production workers wages, bonuses, allowances, welfare and so on.

      Warehouse labor costs management, should focus on minimizing the wages of non-production workers, because this part of the cost of expenditure and storage operations are not directly related. At the same time, should continue to improve labor productivity, and constantly reduce the storage costs of living labor consumption costs. In addition, the choice of a reasonable form of labor organization, the form of wages for the reduction of labor costs also have an important impact.

      Management of other cost of warehousing In the storage costs, such as oil, fuel, electricity, low cost consumables and other costs, although the proportion of small, but this part of the cost of management can not be ignored. Warehouse cost management should focus on continuously reduce the cost of the project level.

Storage cost control measures

      First, make full use of modern warehousing technology and equipment to improve the operational efficiency of the work links. In a warehouse, a certain amount of working expenses, due to the actual work efficiency varies, the labor costs, machinery and equipment consumption, fuel costs are different, if the warehouse management business well, the entire storage costs will be reduced, the economy The benefits will increase.

      Therefore, the use of modern warehousing operations in warehousing technology and equipment to improve labor productivity, such as the use of computer positioning system, computer access systems, computer monitoring systems and other computer management technology, storage bar code technology, modern shelves, professional equipment, forklifts, New tray and so on.

      Second, accelerate the enterprise raw materials, finished product turnover, give full play to the efficiency of the use of the library, improve storage capacity utilization. Inventory turnover speed, enabling the company's capital cycle of fast turnover, capital appreciation fast, cargo damage goods small, warehouse handling capacity increased, the cost down. Giving full play to the efficiency of warehouse operation is the prerequisite to reduce storage cost.

      The warehouse department can take a high stack method to increase the height of storage; reduce the width of the library channel to increase the effective storage area; side forklift, push-pull forklift, forklift turn to reduce the required width; reduce the number of channels to increase storage Effective area. Warehouse storage of goods ton / day costs, and the library area utilization, cargo storage is closely related.

       In a sense, do not study the utilization of the library, to reduce storage costs is out of the question. In the case of relatively stable expenditures, the increase in storage per unit area is inversely proportional to the cost of storage per ton of cargo. That is, the larger the former, the smaller the latter; the other hand, the greater.

      Third, strengthen the materials, finished products in the library quality management, reduce the storage of non-normal wear and tear. Warehouse storage of goods in good condition, the number of accurate, to a certain extent, reflects the quality of warehousing management. In order to avoid or reduce the loss of goods should be strictly acceptance of storage items, so that unqualified materials, finished not into the library, incomplete procedures will not be issued, the quality of the product will not be manufactured.

      The classification of finished products classified storage area, the scientific stacking mats, control the temperature and humidity of the warehouse, regular items in the library to check to ensure that the bills match, the account line, consistent accounts. In actual work, a slight mistake, it will make the account does not match, therefore, must be timely and accurate grasp of the actual storage, often check with the card, regardless of computer management or manual management, which are indispensable.

      Fourth, the use of an effective "FIFO" approach to ensure that the storage period of each item is not too long. It is an effective way, has become one of the storage management criteria. Effective "first-in first-out" methods are:

       First, the use of computer access system. Using computer management system, according to the time of storage items, relying on time-sequenced software, you can automatically arrange the order of shipment, in order to achieve "first in first out." This computer access system can also combine first-in, first-out and fast-forward and quick-out to speed up turnaround and reduce labor consumption.

       Second, the use of technical processes in the warehouse system to ensure that the "first in first out." The most effective method is to use warehouse technology process through the shelf system, which can improve the utilization of the warehouse, but also to achieve warehouse management mechanization, automation, modern warehouse is an important technical measures.
      Fifth, efforts to make the logistics, information flow, capital flow to maintain consistency and enhance the effectiveness of management. Make full use of e-commerce warehouse management information, network, intelligent advantage, effectively control the import, sales, storage system, so that logistics, capital flow, information flow consistent. The use of logistics, capital flow, information flow of the dynamic data to assist decision-making, can effectively reduce the cost of inventory costs, improve the efficiency of warehousing services.

       In addition, small and medium enterprises according to the actual business, the implementation of warehousing business outsourcing, thereby saving the relevant investment and cost. Outsourcing is a management model that contracts the non-core and non-profit production activities of the enterprise to the specialized warehousing company, so as to reduce the cost, improve the production efficiency and enhance the enterprise's rapid response ability to the environment.

       Outsourcing is a long-term, strategic, mutual penetration, mutually beneficial business commission and contract execution. SMEs make full use of the existing logistics companies on the market, outsourcing its storage business, not only can reduce the pressure of investment, but also greatly reduce the cost of storage management.

       In short, lower logistics costs for SMEs to obtain a third profit source, and reduce storage costs is to obtain a third source of profit one of the important sources. In the current tight monetary policy, in the face of rising prices, rising costs of the adverse situation, SMEs should be inward, strengthen the internal storage cost accounting and analysis, to take effective measures to control the cost of warehousing, trying every means to survive the difficulties period.

      Warehousing activities is to promote the development of production, to meet the market supply an indispensable link. Warehousing costs are easier to control and manage logistics costs, with the logistics activities in the technical level, storage efficiency, storage costs are also changing. We must know the importance of warehousing in logistics activities, problems, storage cost control content, in order to take appropriate countermeasures to solve the problem, reduce costs and improve efficiency. Hope that China's logistics cost management, storage costs can be a new breakthrough.

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