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China's most powerful weapons of the future: "capital thinking" and "equity investment" and "Internet +"

      China's small and medium-sized entrepreneurs have great innovation spirit, but they face great pressure and challenge in the modern market competition. Among them, the lack of funds is the most durable and most difficult to solve the problem of SMEs. Some companies missed development opportunities because of lack of funds, and some good projects because of the lack of funds can not be implemented, and some even because of lack of funds and face closure, capital development of small and medium entrepreneurs as a "bottleneck.

       Capital thinking

       Into 2016, many people find that money is harder than before, in fact, is the logic of making money changes. The future of the Chinese people must be a profound understanding and use of "capital thinking" this tool.

       Capital thinking
       To learn "capital thinking", we must first come to a profound understanding of what is "capital." Does "capital" simply mean money? No. Capital is the "dominant power" of resources, through the domination of resources to bring more dominance is called "capital operation", through the "capital operation" optimization and allocation of social wealth, to maximize social efficiency is the "capital operation" society value.

       From the economic perspective, there are only three categories of people in the future:

       First, the resources.
       They are the most direct owners of resources and rely on selling their resources to survive, such as farmers rely on arable land, workers rely on physical strength, doctors rely on skills, writers rely on writing, as well as teachers and lawyers and so on.

       Second, the configuration.
       Resources, who is not important, the key to the allocation of resources. Such people rely on the allocation of resources to make money, engaged in resource input - integration - operation - output work, entrepreneurs, entrepreneurs, entrepreneurs also belong to this category.

       Third, the capitalists / investors.
       They are the farthest from the resources, but all the resources are owned by them in control, they only hide behind the scenes to play the game. Venture capitalists belong to such people, such as Sun Zhengyi investment Ma, Alibaba listing made him a great success. Capitalists have no borders, they can control the flow of global resources; can control a large number of other people's assets through the financial system.

       In accordance with these three different types of role-playing, the future of individuals how to get wealth? There are only three channels: the sale of resources, the allocation of resources to master the capital.

       1, resources (ordinary people)
      "Resources" by selling their own resources to survive, that is, the skills of resources, namely: time + physical, which is the largest population in the community. If you are just an ordinary person, or through reading to get higher, more rare skills value; either through love thinking, will be a lot of practice to improve their ability to practice.

       Of course, some people are born with scarce resources. Such as the rich second generation, born to inherit a group of heritage that scarce resources. Another example is the star of the child, born to get the attention of the media scarce resources; another example is someone living in the city center of the broken yard, as long as the demolition can get a large fortune; born to obtain the location of scarce resources, or you luck Very good, buy lottery tickets in the award, but also enjoy the "good luck" of scarce resources.

      Of course, the last one did not say that the sale of risk, if willing to take prison, the risk of death, to steal, to steal, to cheat, have seen a news, someone robbed the bank received millions of money, And then absconded, anonymity, start a real estate business, a few years after the family property billions of dollars, but also unmasked. So if you make money through this channel, you get the wealth will increase, but bear the risk will increase, the last is not worth.
      2. Configuration (business owners)

      Such people are not the direct owner of resources, they often through the brain to design the allocation of resources, by optimizing the resources to make money, entrepreneurs belong to this category. By definition, the entrepreneur is engaged in the organization of resources, management and assume the business risk of people. Entrepreneur's income is proportional to the efficiency of his configuration, not on the limit. But also for their own risk allocation of resources, the lower limit is bankrupt.
       Why do many people want to start it? It is because they want to climb from the first class of people to the second class of people. once the "resource" to upgrade to "configure", it means no longer sell their skills, but began to operate their own ideas and wisdom, personal and economic freedom, in order to achieve freedom of personality.
       3. Capitalists / Investors (behind the scenes)
       The wealth of this society appears to belong to the scattered "resources", but in fact it is the "configuration" to enjoy. But in essence, more of a capitalist!
       Capitalist is defined as: the capital operation for the industry. After the second industrial revolution, the entrepreneurs who have mastered the technology and application can accumulate huge wealth rapidly. Their enterprises have a great influence on a country. These enterprises form the economic lifeline of this country. High profits, through mutual agreement or joint, one or several department of goods production, sales and price manipulation and control, so the formation of a monopoly, and then the "entrepreneur" began to sit behind the scenes manipulate it all , Evolved into a "capitalist."
        What we need to understand is that the third person earns more money than the second one, and the second one earns more money than the first. Therefore, the first person in the effort to evolve to the second person, while the second person in the desperate evolution to the third person.
       Smart and capital, if you only have one point, I remember looking for people with you to complement each other, they are waiting for you!

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