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Why do warehouses often have problems? Analysis of logistics warehousing often encountered problems and solutions

 Depth analysis of the storage process problems!

- Logistics distribution - receiving goods
Goods from the warehouse after the library to check the goods received to accept the consignment note, the problem:
1. The number of goods is wrong
2. Chuanhuo
3. The quality of the packaging
4. Ticket does not match
5. The goods are lost

The number of goods is not the solution is:
Check whether the list is correct;
Find whether the process is lost;
The implementation of the responsible person, the emergence of claims to find responsibility;
Multi-goods will spare the goods back in place, and indicate on the list.

Chuanhuo solution:
Find the reasons for Chuanhuo, check the goods, access to the warehouse is correct;
Check the goods, check the goods and indicate on the list to prevent the wrong goods.
Packaging quality solution:
There is a slight damage to notify the library staff and the second package, and marked on the documents;
For the occurrence of serious damage to the shortage of goods to find the reasons for the implementation of the responsibility to the relevant personnel.

Bill does not match the solution:
Carefully check whether the documents issued by the merchant goods;
Check whether the picking list is entered into the wrong, it seems that the obsolete documents and re-made a single;
Is there a chunk when the library is in stock?
Loss of goods solution:
Looking for goods, confirm the loss after the replenishment or compensation for economic losses;
Look at the monitoring system, the implementation of the responsible person, the responsibility of the responsible person.

 Delivery delivery orders are ready for shipment
1. Waybill entry error, destination, contact phone is not accurate and so on
2. loading unreasonable lead to empty rate, cargo damage rate is too high
3. Customer order changes, the number of goods increased or decreased
4. The lack of delivery of vehicles caused the goods can not be issued in a timely manner

The solution for entering documents is:
Carefully entered the documents, recorded the second inspection documents to check the documents;
Entry document travel rate assessment, the implementation of reward and punishment mechanism.
Loading unreasonable solution:
Reasonable loading and unloading of goods for pre - job training (large pressure, no pressure light);
Strictly in accordance with the distribution documents to load, to ensure that the goods are consistent;

Customer appears to withdraw from the order. Increase the reduction or replacement:
Communicate with customers and merchants;
Increase the goods of the additional documents, make the greatest efforts to the same batch of goods unified distribution;
Reduce the withdrawal of goods The current documents open another document, the excess goods storage;
The replacement of the current documents, re-open delivery documents.
The solution to the lack of distribution vehicles is:
Reasonable arrangements for vehicles, distribution vehicles to implement the bus system;
Prepare the vehicle in advance according to the volume to ensure that every vehicle is loaded;
Prepare a spare vehicle.
- Transport - goods in transit problems
1. The transport route is unreasonable and does not follow the company's route
2. Damage to vehicles during transport
3. Overloading
4. Transport accidents such as loss of goods, damage to goods and so on
5. delay the transport time

Unreasonable route of transport:
Strict implementation of the company transport routes, through the cost of fuel costs to control.
Transport damage to vehicles in the solution:
Leaving a spare vehicle;
Regular vehicle inspection, maintenance, maintenance;
Implement vehicle responsibility system.

Overloaded transport:
In the loading as far as possible to avoid overload, reasonable loading and unloading;
Transport to avoid positive contact with the traffic police;
Control the speed, smooth operation.

Loss of goods, damage to the goods solution:
Before the car off the door, delivery on the way as little as possible parking;
Control the speed, choose a smooth road, reduce the road bumps to reduce the damage rate;
Choose the flow of rare parking.
Delay the transport time limit solution:
Strict implementation of the company's transport time;
From time to time to check the transport lines and timeliness;
Transport on the way there is a flexible handling, to ensure the safety of personnel and cargo under the premise of not to delay the maintenance of the main effect.

 the arrival
Goods transport to reach the destination of the problem
Delay arrival
2. The goods are damaged and damaged
3. The number of shortages
4. Service attitude is not good
5. The goods can not be signed normally


Delayed arrival solution:
Due to delays in the transport caused by the delay in time to report with the company, promptly notify the customer to arrive late, and apologize to explain the reasons for the hope that understanding;
Because the company does not follow the delay in the route to arrive, from time to time to carry out the sampling of the time limit, the development of aging management system for assessment.

Loss of damage to the goods solution:
Find the reasons for the loss of goods to find the goods, such as the loss of the implementation of the transport links related to the responsible person;
If the person responsible for the loss of goods responsible for economic losses;
For serious damage to the recovery and the second delivery, the relevant responsible person to bear the economic losses, damage is not very serious repackaging for delivery;
With the customer consultation and communication, can not sign the goods to the corresponding economic compensation.

Quantity shortage Solution:
Looking for the reasons for the shortage, check the customer's invoice and warehouse center out of the single;
Check the number of goods in the warehouse;
The goods can not be found to replenish or compensate for economic losses, to the relevant responsible person;
Negotiate communication with customers to minimize customer losses.

Service attitude solution:
Strengthen customer service training;
The implementation of customer complaints rate assessment system of reward and punishment;
Regular visits to customers.

The goods can not sign the normal solution:
The customer contact information is not accurate can not find the customer can not sign with the information department or the consignor to determine the contact information to ensure that the goods accurately signed;
Not the customer to sign the goods need to provide the consignee ID card, and for accurate registration;
(Such as packaging, quality problems, and consultation with customers (return, replacement or compensation), to minimize economic losses.

- Money settlement - Problems:
Freight settlement is not timely, such as door-to-door goods customers do not have enough cash to pay shipping;
Clearing the freight staff due to delay can not be settled freight;
Receipt of payment is not timely, such as the customer does not have enough cash to pay the freight;
Received collection staff did not timely settlement;
Delivery personnel to carry money to escape;
Return payment can not be paid in time to the customer.


Shipping is not timely:
The customer does not have enough cash, call in advance to inform the customer the amount of money ready to cash and then delivery;
On the settlement of freight officers to strengthen supervision and management of the implementation of assessment mechanism.

Receipt is not timely:
Delivery notice in advance to inform the customer to collect the amount of money, ready to cash and then delivery;
On the collection of personnel to strengthen supervision and assessment.

Delivery personnel to carry money to escape:
Choose honest and trustworthy delivery staff and take a copy of their ID card and other related documents;
POS machine terminal settlement system, to avoid direct contact with cash and cash.

Collection of payment is not timely:
The use of collection payment payment and timely assessment of customer satisfaction survey timely payment of collection.

- warehousing - inspection of goods before storage

The problem that appears
1. serious damage to the goods, the number of wrong, the product is wrong
Have a smell
3. Liquid product leakage

Inspection and the need to check the presence of merchants at the same time, the number of broken for the emergence of the need for businesses and inspectors to fill out a detailed inspection list, if there is no inspection list of businesses do not need to sign the inspector;
The smell of goods need to be handled by the merchants themselves, refused to enter the storage center of this product;
Liquid leaked cargo solution is the same as the smell of goods.

 Goods storage

The problem that appears
1. There is no bar code or label at the time of storage
2. The weight of the goods is wrong
3. Ticket does not match
4. string code Chuanhuo
5. Warehouse goods placed unreasonable
6. cargo storage is not timely
7. forklift, tray placed unreasonable, improper operation of the forklift


There is no bar code or label when storing:
The normal operation of the goods through the label and bar code for storage, for no bar code and label to take the code or according to the supplier and the weight and product storage.

The weight of the goods wrong solution:
Contact the merchant to dismantle the product re-inspection;
By the merchants and suppliers to contact, check the goods, if the goods need to sign the correct recognition of goods.

Ticket does not match:
Contact merchant checklist;
With the pick up the driver to check the delivery documents;
Check whether the goods are correct;
Merchants need to provide their own business to confirm the signature.

String of goods:
Check the goods to check the goods;
String of goods to find the goods, the system data changes;
Chuanhuo products for cargo location to find, correct the correct storage location of the goods;
If you do not know when the string code and Chuanhuo, in the library management to be limited.

Warehouse goods placed unreasonable:
The development of goods emission standards, familiar with the place of the goods placed;
After the placement of the inspection work, through the radio frequency technology to check whether the goods placed correctly;
Custodians in time to enter their own custody of the region to check the goods;
Inventory members from time to time inventory operations.

Cargo storage is not timely:
Timely supervision and inspection of storage rate;
Make full use of forklift efficiency;
Reduce the operation of the storage links, improve storage efficiency (for example: the implementation of bulk storage, storage storage).
Forklift tray placed unreasonable:
The forklift driver placed the goods when the sign;
Forklift drivers are divided into area management;
Custodians check the goods are correct, a reasonable place tray;
Training of forklift drivers.
- Warehousekeeping - Problems:
1. The goods are damaged, rot, and smell
2. Three anti (fire, moisture, anti-theft) measures should not be
3. Warehouse health is unreasonable
4. The goods are unreasonable
5. Excessive product processing should not be

The goods damaged, rotten, smell the goods in a timely manner to inform the merchant, damaged to repackage, rot and odor and consultation with the business;
On the three anti-measures of the three strong measures to manage and training;
Warehouse health unreasonable implementation of 6s management, daily finishing, rectification, cleaning.

Improper storage of goods:
From time to time inventory, check the goods and documents;
In the warehouse into the warehouse when the goods on the goods to check the goods;
The use of radio frequency technology for cargo inspection.

Excessive product handling should not be:
Regular inventory ultra-looking over the product inventory records, promptly notify the manufacturers;
For the overdue product is not timely treatment, custodians bear the relevant responsibility.

 - out of the library -
problem appear
1. Out of stock goods and product information does not match
2. Out of stock goods without bar code or label
3. The goods are damaged
4. Ticket does not match
5. Serial string code
6. Out of stock goods specifications are not the whole
7. Transfer of goods out of the library is unclear
8. Low efficiency of the library
9. The weight of the goods out of the library does not match


Out of goods and information does not match:
Check the storage information and merchant shipping information is consistent;
Check whether the storage information is correct.

Out of stock goods without barcode or label:
The normal operation of the goods through the label and bar code for the library, for no bar code and label to take a library or according to the supplier and weight and product out of the library.

Cargo damage:
Packaging damage is not serious secondary packaging, and marked on the documents;
Contact with the custodian and businessmen, for the damaged businessmen agreed to the library, the custodians and businesses marked the damage and signed to /confirm/i.

Ticket does not match:
Contact merchant checklist;
With the pick up the driver to check the delivery documents;
Check whether the goods are correct;
Merchants need to provide their own business to confirm the signature.

Chuan Chuan Code:
Check the goods to check the goods;
String of goods to find the goods, the system data changes.
Out of stock goods specifications are not the whole:
Assortment operation;
Batch operation.

Out of stock goods unclear:
The delivery of goods when the delivery of goods and the receipt of the goods, the number of verification and confirmation of the two sides signed;
Goods can not find the transfer of personnel and department heads and business contacts;
There is a quality problem refused to library.

Low efficiency:
Take bulk out of the library;
To develop a reasonable out of the library to reduce the library link;
Make full use of forklift maneuverability;
To develop a library assessment mechanism.

Out of stock weight does not match:
Contact the merchant to dismantle the product re-inspection;
By the merchants and suppliers to contact, check the goods, if the goods need to sign the correct recognition of goods.
- Warehouse Delivery - Problems
1. With the delivery of delivery personnel unclear
2. Delivery of goods is not timely
3. Inventory of damaged goods in serious


Disappearance with delivery staff:
The two sides to re-check the documents and goods;
Delivery staff must sign no abnormal normal delivery.

Delivery of goods is not timely:
Due to the transfer process in the delay delivery time, the relevant responsible person to assess;
Reduce warehousing distribution handover links, improve work efficiency;

Inventory damaged in the goods:
The development of loading and unloading cargo rules and regulations, large pressure, not light weight, food and easy to contaminated goods isolation.

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