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An unchangeable agreement on the consensus value interconnection of block chains

 Block chain is the core technology of bitcoin, and it is a database book that is centralization. At first, the blockchain technology has not been widespread concern of people, but now, many of the world's largest banks and technology companies have gradually realized the blockchain after the Internet will be a disruptive technology development technology, and started a lot of investment to its.

A block chain technology is expected to achieve digital identity, and to make paper intensive traditional process automation, which makes the block chain technology has become a panacea for future financial services. Although some people are cautious about block chain technology, one thing is clear: KPMG China will continue to study and analyze different cases, which is also a part of KPMG China's agreement with customers. We believe that as financial services gradually realize the impact and role of the block chain, they will gradually apply the block chain technology to their daily operations.
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