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Manage inventory? Mastering these 3 principles is basically enough...

For many e-commerce sellers, the management of inventory is very important, it will affect the subsequent procurement decision-making, product sales and user experience.

Although the management of inventory is so important, nearly half of the small businesses are unable to search the stock. Inventory query, measurement and prediction should be put in the first place, even in customer service, after all, this is about order fulfillment, if the inventory management confusion or difficult to query, it is difficult to timely fulfill customer orders, a great impact on the consumer's shopping experience.

Key words: how should that manage inventory correctly? The following are the 3 principles of successful management of inventory

1、Real time updat of inventory data

The inventory data is timeliness, and it needs to be updated in real time. If the number of SKU is large, the management of inventory data may be a big challenge.

The brand should understand: what kind of product is stored in which stock? How long will the package and delivery of each product take? Which express line and logistics operation can deliver the product to the consumer's hand?

When inventory data is updated and can be acquired in real time, enterprises are more likely to make wise decisions. When inventory data can indicate the value of a cooperation, it is easier to find new logistics providers and suppliers. Without clear, recently updated inventory data, business is prone to growth stagnation or even decline.
2、Understand the inventory cycle

The inventory cycle is a basic indicator of the health of the brand product sales, that is, the time required for the sale of the unit stock. When the seller has a clear understanding of the inventory cycle of all the products, it will be able to make wise stock purchase decisions. For example, if a stock is sold for several weeks, the seller can make a cost / benefit analysis to see whether the profit from selling products can cover the cost of warehousing. Keep in mind the inventory cycle, so that the seller can quickly and firmly clean up the product, otherwise, the product may remain in the warehouse.

Paying attention to the inventory cycle can also allow the seller to make a forward-looking decision. The popularity of product inventory turnover is generally fast, so we can make wise decisions for future purchases based on actual sales situation and previous inventory cycle indicators. Purchasing according to inventory data can help sellers better ensure that products sell well, and consumers can always buy products, thereby increasing sales and bringing more customers.

3、Understand the industry benchmarks

If the sales of products are health, beauty, luxury clothing and household goods, the enterprise should compare their inventory management indicators with the industry indicators. If inventory performance is declining as a result of lack of competitiveness, it is necessary to replan the process, reassess the partner and launch a new improvement strategy. The economic performance of a company depends on decisive measures that will affect the experience of the brand users.

For the newly developed e-commerce brands, inventory management is usually an easy point to be ignored. To ensure that team members understand the inventory in real time and how to keep the inventory performance up to the industry standard, enterprises can also solve this problem by working with an e-commerce logistics solution company or other logistics experts who provide inventory management tools.

How do dealers manage inventory?

The warehouse status of dealers not only represents the strength of dealers, but also directly reflects the dealer's internal management level, and even affects the choice of distributors. The ABC classification method can help dealers to manage inventory and improve their benefits.


What is the ABC classification? The ABC classification method (Activity based Classification), the full name should be the ABC classification inventory control method. It is similar to what we often call the "28 law". After the research and analysis, the key minority is found out, and the key minority is a class. The rest is "the general majority", which is divided into B class and C class. Put the main energy on the class a product and get twice the result with half the effort.

The proportion of class a articles is about 10%, which accounts for a small proportion, but the annual consumption amount is about 70%. The proportion is large, which is the key minority and needs the key management.

B items, the proportion of varieties is about 20%; the proportion of the amount consumed in the year is about 20%, the proportion of varieties and the proportion of the amount is basically flat, the regular management can be.

The proportion of C goods is about 70%, which accounts for a large proportion, but the proportion of annual consumption is about 10%.

How to manage different items of A, B, C

Class a product:

The management mode: try to keep inventories to the lowest (of course reserves and reserve price before the season is inevitable), improve the capital turnover rate, effective to maintain optimal inventory, can reduce storage management costs.

The order: according to the difference between the regular order of inventory and inventory target. Small quantities and many batches are stored on demand, and the supply is guaranteed under the premise of reducing the stock.

The product location: near the best position of import and export, easy to handle.

The check: check every day, detailed statistics.
B class products:

The sales management: according to the size at any time to adjust the stock control strategy.

The order: when the inventory to a minimum inventory, order quantity.

Product position: warehouse location time.

The inspection methods: weekly inspection, according to the statistics of varieties.

C class products:

The management mode: the "dual stack method", the product will be divided into two piles, a pile of regular inventory, for daily delivery use; another pile for inventory, stored separately. When the stock is used up, the stock is stored from the order stock. This can reduce the number of inventory inventory, save energy.

The order way: you can buy in large quantities, for a price advantage, cost savings.

The product is relatively poor position: warehouse location.

The inspection methods: monthly or quarterly review, according to statistics the total amount.

As the saying goes, "pick up the sesame and lose the watermelon." In the warehouse management, out of focus main thing, say not to manage B and C products, the B and C class products also have relatively important and secondary products can be recycled, ABC classification management, to reduce inventory, save administrative costs, thereby reducing the cost management.

The warehouse management has a complete management system, are you still afraid of the mess in the warehouse?

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