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The most common problems in the warehouse management center have been solved

The warehouse, location, size and layout of many dealers are not different. But there are many similar problems in the existing problems.
The warehouse is according to each dealer, in relation to the goods storage, logistics, cargo allocation rate, will appear a large number of Advent products, will have a large backlog of unmarketable products......
If the warehouse is not managed well, there will be problems in the whole chain.
Most dealers have the same problem in warehouse management:
1. the location and design of the warehouse is unreasonable
"It's safe to deliver goods." many dealers' requirements for warehouses are so simple. Therefore, the choice of warehouse is more inclined to some old factories, old warehouses, and few people rent professional warehouses.
And in the design of the warehouse is also very simple, "can carry the goods, can be passed, convenient" can be. The final result is the mess inside the warehouse, without rules. Moving goods is not convenient, inconvenient, and also affect the use of warehouse space.
2. goods are placed without rules

A lot of time, the goods arrived, directly unloaded, when placed, will also be placed near. If the arrangement is not reasonable, not good, not only a waste of space, will cause the backlog of products, can quickly remove the unsalable products, even with margin became Ma
3. storeroom function disorderly
For many dealers, the warehouse is not only the place wher the goods are stored, but also the employees' dormitories are the garage. In such a situation, the environment of the warehouse has become more and more chaotic. The disorderly warehouse will desalination the function of the warehouse itself, causing the inability of the living area to be separated from the working area, which will breed a series of problems.
The work of 4. storeroom personnel is not clear
The work of the warehouse manager is not simple, but in many cases, it tends to fade into the warehouse. There is a lot of time in the library, when it is really used, I do not know about the condition of the warehouse, three. Not clear responsibility, management is not in place, will bring a lot of trouble.
5. the product is slow-moving, Advent products
Every time the warehouse sorting, there will be a lot of unsalable products and advent products. These products are forgotten in the corner of the warehouse, or at the bottom of the backlog of the goods, and are ignored.
Some products are even more hot selling products, but near the shelf life, can not be preserved. These are also the warehouse management did not do well, the result, the last only to be able to endure pain.
Small warehouse, usually do not care, but when it comes to the problem, it is late to solve it. The problem is to be solved quickly.
Let's see how to solve these warehouse problems.

1. reasonable location and reasonable planning
The warehouse is the base of the dealer, and the strength of the early stage is limited. It is normal to have no way to hire a professional warehouse. But with the development of strength, a little change, the rental of professional warehouses, or even the establishment of their own warehouse, is to be implemented step by step.
No matter how to choose the position, we should do a good job in planning and design, and make use of the space of the warehouse reasonably. Plan the stacking, handling passageway, the division of each brand area, the loading and unloading location of warehouse, the stacking position of unsalable products, and the location of manufacturer's sales promotion products. Consider the goods personnel, convenient goods into the warehouse, and temporary storage of goods. Make use of the space of the warehouse and standardize it.
2. function simplification
Avoid intersecting between the employee's living area and the warehouse area. In the condition of conditions allowed, the staff dormitories, the garage are placed in the neighborhood of the warehouse, and the place of residence. Try to simplify the function of the warehouse and avoid other things to take up the warehouse resources.
3. clear bank responsibility
The responsibility of the library is clearly defined, from the record of the product to the warehouse, the inventory management, the record of the product out of the warehouse, the management of the documents in the warehouse, the summary of the reports, and the reconciliation. A series of work arrangements are formed to standardize the content of the library, and the management of the warehouse of the standard law. Not only can we avoid the problem of warehouse management, but also let the distributors know more about the product direction and sales.
4. regular inventory, advanced first out
The warehouse products for regular inventory, summarized to the statements, to avoid the product is slow-moving or long forgotten, the emergence of a large number of advent products. The goods should be each brand, each category has a fixed location, stacking.
According to the sales of the products, fast and slow, reasonable distribution of the stacks, space. Each stowing position is marked with a striking label indicating the product, the date of production, and the specifications. Finally, the first out of the first out, to avoid the emergence of a large number of products, or unmarketable products.
5. is often due to a careful review
The dealer must always check the condition of the warehouse and do a good job of supervision. In this way, employees can leave the impression of paying attention to the warehouse and take the warehouse work seriously. At the same time, in addition to the periodic inventory, but also a sudden check, not only can deter employees, but also can find the usual problem does not appear.
Warehouse is an important link in the supply chain of dealers. To achieve rapid and professional logistics, warehouse management should be done well.
Source: warehouse community

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