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The Ministry of transport has considered lowering the toll standard of toll roads.

Xinhua news agency, Beijing, March 29th, news spokesman of the Ministry of transportation, Wu Chungeng, 29, said at a regular press conference in the Ministry of transportation, that it will accelerate the research and formulation of the overall ideas and plans for deepening the reform of the toll highway system, in order to promote the revision of the regulation of toll highway management as a breakthrough point, in order to deepen the structural reform of the supply side of the toll highway as the main line, and to consider reducing the toll standard as a whole. On the basis of the sustainable development of the quasi and toll roads, the top level design is perfected, the management is strengthened, the various preferential policies are continued to be optimized, the service level of the toll roads is further promoted, and the demand for safe, convenient and efficient travel of the public is better satisfied.
Wu Chungeng said that toll roads policy is an important cornerstone for promoting sustainable development of highway transportation in China. In 1984, the State Council promulgated the policy of toll road with "loan repair" as the core content. This policy broke the past system of government financial investment, and became an important part of the investment and financing of transportation infrastructure in China, speeding up the construction of highway in China.
Wu Chungeng said that practice has proved that the toll road policy is the successful reform experience and policy innovation in the past 40 years of China's reform and opening up. By the end of 2017, the total mileage of China's highway network was 4 million 771 thousand and 200 kilometers, the scale of which was 5.2 times that of 1984; the highway was from nothing to 136 thousand kilometers, and achieved a historic breakthrough from scratch and the first in the world.
For example, Wu Chungeng, for example, the special cleaning of toll roads, the gradual and orderly cancellation of the toll of two grade highways, the implementation of the preferential toll of freight cars, the free policy of implementing the green passage of fresh agricultural products, the acceleration of the promotion of the freeway toll (ETC), and the active exploration of the differential charge for different periods of the freeway. In recent years, a series of measures have been adopted to adjust the policy of the toll road and the policy of the toll highway. Perfect.
Source: logistics horizon

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