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Industry 4.0 era intelligent warehouse which highlights?

Currently the main warehouse processes still need people to complete, manufacturing plants have entered the industry 4.0 times, so how can we achieve the electricity supplier warehouse industry 4.0 standards? The following will take you from unloading, handling, storage, picking, review, packing the joint compare different "human warehouses" and intelligent warehouse!

1. Handling Equipment

The general warehouse handling mainly rely on manpower to complete, genuine replacement robot can be used on, or a high degree of standardization of the plant, parts Specifications unified, simple mechanical fixture design.

Difficulty: electricity supplier warehouse wide variety of goods, pieces of type sizes, we need a flexible handling robot fixture increases, the need to implement intelligent image recognition commodity, to irregular display can be easily coded disk.

2. Handling Equipment

Is now widely used in the hydraulic pallet truck and electric pallet trucks, no one really smart electricity supplier warehouse handling equipment with relatively small, AGV production plants with multiple, kiva class handling robot now more fire, more in-depth use of the Amazon, This mode is the future direction of development, need time to verify.

Difficulty: transport path selection process, avoid obstacles; tray is inserted, to the destination tray into place, too inefficient, who opened with a forklift, the gap is too big.

3. Storage Device

Warehouse currently widespread use of the heap, clapboard shelves, beams shelves, storage density is not high, taking the Treasury area, high storage costs, high-density storage devices is relatively mature warehouse (AS / RS), the electricity supplier industry gradually universal, equipment goods to people at home and abroad companies are trying, through the Amazon kiva robot to realize the goods to person mode of operation and goods to people of the pattern is the development direction of future intelligent warehouse model is suitable for the electricity supplier, need time to verify.

Difficulty: efficiency, balancing costs is the focus of late to overcome the issue.

4. picking equipment

Picking warehouse jobs in labor-intensive sectors, the current general warehouse or human wave tactics, through the use of transmission lines, electronic tags and other equipment efficiency has improved a lot, as much as possible to reduce personnel walking distance to the evolution of human technology shipments; picking robot, picking arm with image recognition technology, at home and abroad have tried, but need to overcome many obstacles.

Difficulty: flexible enough, too much electricity supplier industry SKU type, packaging specifications differences, image recognition, accurate picking is difficult, inefficient.

5. Intelligent wearable device

Treasury currently carried out in the warehouse PDA warehousing operations operation has been widespread, the next step is to liberate people's hands, PDA has been unable to support the requirements of operational efficiency, voice picking, wireless scanning ring, smart phones, Google smart glasses and other major manufacturers and electricity supplier giants are frequently try, follow these should become standard in warehouse, this is an inevitable trend.

Difficulty: hardware out, mainly interconnection collaborative application development, and human-computer interaction and other equipment.

6. Review equipment

Currently rebin (seeding) is a common method of processing a single order for multiple pieces, by configuring the electronic tag systems and other auxiliary equipment, the existing mode of operation efficiency has not much room for improvement, this session whether to allow smart devices replac people? Bird through the 'Terminator' similar intelligent robot to realize the road a long way ...

Difficulty: This should wait artificial intelligence, image recognition technology has a major breakthrough, the flexibility to identify, capture, put a variety of SKU, achieve accuracy and efficiency of manual operation.

7. Packaging Equipment

Packaging operation, is still dependent on manual, automatic packaging labeling equipment manufacturing plant is easy to use-piece unified. Electricity supplier in a library member of the original package of goods, there are attempting automatic labeling, a single piece of small pieces of automatic packaging is not difficult to achieve large, small pieces of a single multi-piece package needs intelligent automation equipment R & D breakthroughs;

Difficulties: How to package labeling equipment increased flexibility to adapt to all types of goods?

Smart electricity supplier warehouse wher current difficulties?

(1) standard is not difficult to apply automation equipment Specification

For example: product barcode country is not uniform, some commodities no bar code on the package, or conflict with other commodities, leading to manually re-paste code storage areas is low efficiency, automation equipment difficult to adapt.

(2) business enterprise SKU category many poor commodity package size specifications are difficult to adapt to a great cause of smart devices

For example: the demolition of the same disk volume size robot was unable to adapt to a large gap between the different SKU frequent switching were chosen dismantle disk, you need to replac the fixtures and inefficient.

(3) The need to improve the flexibility of smart devices

For example: I just said jig adaptation, as well as a breakthrough product image recognition technology, to identify objects similar to the human eye size, distance, according to member type is different, how to crawl, but also to achieve efficiency-man operation, the need to wait for baked new research findings.

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